information, updates and debates on anything education related at Lady Evelyn Alternative Public School

Monday, April 30, 2007

multigrade classroom debate

Tim and I haven't been able to attend any of the meetings regarding this key issue, but want to express that we are strongly in favour of the multigrade classroom approach, and didn't want our absence from discussions to be seen as apathy. Like other parents who actively sought the alternative school approach for our children's education, we specifically chose Lady Evelyn for its noted strengths, opportunities and teaching philosophies (which includes these integrated classrooms) and even with our high expectations, we're pleased with the supportive school environment, and have been blown away by the exceptional teachers who have contributed to our son's education. We're loyal fans.

While we've had to move out of the catchment area, we remain committed Lady Evelyn supporters, and have recently managed to enrol our younger son here in JK while maintaining Brennan's membership in Ellis-Lynn's 1-2-3 class. What could be better?

It was a sudden, disheartening surprise to hear of the possibility of future changes to this multigrade arrangement. We have witnessed first-hand a number of the benefits of Brennan's school experience and the profound effect his teacher and class dynamic has had on him, and we'd really hate to lose this opportunity. We've seen a real blossoming of his sense of self and confidence, and a developing appreciation for school and his classmates--and he is but one member of a diverse group responding to a teacher who seems energized toward and by this arrangement. It's a good fit because in this set-up, everyone fits.

Karen Massey & Timothy Hunt

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