information, updates and debates on anything education related at Lady Evelyn Alternative Public School

Friday, April 27, 2007

multigrade classroom debate

As a past parent of Lady Evelyn and a strong supporter of the 3-way
multi-grade class I am not surprised to hear of trying to eliminate
them, any excuse is one to eliminate them. I have heard over the years
many reasons not to bring it in and many reasons to eliminate it once it
is in place. The space one surprises me, usually it is that that forces
other schools to run the multi-age classes at all. And to use that as
an excuse to remove it from the school sounds to me that the
administration does not believe in the alternative philosophy of child
centered learning very sad with all the struggles the Alternative
schools have.
I hope you do succeed in keeping it - it would be interesting to know
how the teachers that teach the 3-way classes feel as I know it takes a
very special teacher and many teachers find it very difficult. as some
do with the 2-way - when you see it work and watch the children it is
amazing how far they get over the multi year, and how most of them will
surpass the expectations by the end even if at the beginning they look
to be struggling, It allows for all those differenced in learning that
is the reality of children.

Sadley I do not have all my documentation on the advantages of 3-way
classes - but I would like to put my voice behind it
good luck in your meeting tonight.
Catherine Keir - Past parent at lady Evelyn

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