information, updates and debates on anything education related at Lady Evelyn Alternative Public School

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Varieties of Alternative Education: Background Materials 2

Some more videos...

Sir Ken Robinson on "Alternative Education is Good Education" -- TEDx talk in London

In late 2011, "Robinson presented a video TEDx talk in London, addressing how population growth and technology are fueling huge changes in education, and the imperative to make all schools progressive. He argues that the principles of what’s considered “alternative” education are those that should be applied to mainstream education."


TEDxYouth@Columbus: Katharine Dye- "An alternative education"

"Education can no longer be confined to the class room, students need to venture out into the world and learn from their environment. First hand experiences is what shapes us and students can not get that from a book or a test. They can on the other hand gain skills, knowledge, and experience through hands on learning in the "real world". How can we apply this to school and the class room? Eliminate the class room, take the student out in to the world and let them grow through experience and their community."


An Introduction to Montessori Philosophy and Materials


Why Waldorf?

A new film about Waldorf education and Marin Waldorf School in California.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Varieties of Alternative Education: Background Materials 1

What follows are a selection of resources on a range of schooling alternatives for your consideration.

Further posts, with more videos and links to written material, will follow.

Specific suggestions -- of videos, web resources or books -- are welcome and can be sent to Monique.

Alternative Education Discussion Series: The Varieties of Alternative Education

Join us Thursday, November 29, 2012 from 7 to 8:30pm for the first in the Lady Evelyn Alternative School Council's Alternative Education Discussion Series for 2012/2013.

The Varieties of Alternative Education

Democratic schools
Free schools
Self Directed
Intrinsically motivated
Learning communities

Let's talk about the possibilities.

Childcare and refreshments will be provided

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Alternative Education Discussion Series 2012/2013

Thursday, November 29th, 2012:
The Varieties of Alternative Education
What does "alternative education" mean? What are the alternatives, not just here but elsewhere? A combination of video clips, experts and open discussion.

Thursday, January 17th, 2013:
Alternative Education 101
The principles underlying the OCDSB's alternative program Whether you are new to the program,
have been around for a while or are just curious

Thursday, April 25th, 2013: :
No Marks, No Tests:
What is alternative assessment? An expert panel discussion of the possibilities of alternative assessment

All events from 7 to 8:30pm

Childcare and refreshments provided

@ Lady Evelyn Alternative School
63 Evelyn Ave

more information